The Cassini space craft is supposed to get some nice pictures of Titan tonight. Images should start showing up after 21:30 EDT.
The Cassini space craft is supposed to get some nice pictures of Titan tonight. Images should start showing up after 21:30 EDT.
Last Tuesday I woke up with a Mike Fitzpatrick for congress sign on my lawn, the Republican. I removed it, and sent a Mr. Fitzpatrick headquarters an email.
Today 余艾蕾 and I received a mailing paid for by the RNC. It called Mr. Fitzpatrick’s Democratic opponent, Ginny Schrader, un-American because she showed Michael Moore’s movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, at a fund raiser. I don’t know much about Ms. Schrader and I have not seen Fahrenheit 9/11, but calling free speech un-American in un-American. They are allowed to call it that, but it makes the RNC, um, un-American. Even Iran can distinguish between the actions of US citizens and it’s government, apparently Republicans can’t.
Both the Democrat and the Republican parties are liars and will do anything, not short of breaking the law and toppling government, to stay in power.
Zoë, just over four months old, is no longer the youngest person at day care. I’m happy a baby started there half her age. With us, wherever she goes she is the center of attention, up till now she was also the center of attention at day care. Maybe now she will be second seat for the first time. Can’t have a child with a big ego, you know.
I’m working on fourty years, Zoë is working on four months. I have decades of immunity built up, she has weeks. Why do I get sick just as often as her? I don’t expect to never have a cold again, I just thought that I should be immune to some colds out there when she isn’t.
I was reading news and I stumbles on the article Delhi tastes ‘slow food’ revolution, and I wondered what slow food was. Two seconds later Google showed me Slow Food® and Slow Food USA® web
sites. Though not really online, I’ve been on about eating locally grown food for years! I was also excited when a Whole Foods Market® recently moved in and actually labeled where all there produce comes from. All I need is a couple local Slow Food® restaurants and I’ll be all set.
Zoë and I are home again. She caught her first cold last week, her first week in day care. She is better today then yesterday, but she never complained a bit. A little phlegmatic, but that was about it.
Catching up with tech news, I saw over on /. a QA with David Cobb, the Green Party candidate. A few weeks ago they had a QA with the Libertarian candidate too.
Monday and today where the only days this week 余艾蕾 and I woke up in time to make it to Zoë’s day care on our proposed schedule. The other three days we just could not get out of bed, Marvin is doing a good job helping up get up though. I think there is going to be some sleeping in this weekend.
Zoë sitting, sleeping on my lap I type. She has been zonked out for a couple of hours. What’s freaky is that I can almost see her skull grow. Sometimes when I look down I can see her pulse on the top of her head. She has grown some hair on her forehead, so I expect a skull growth soon to pull it up on top.
Today is the last day Zoë and I well be hanging out together. On Monday it’s off to day care for her and both 余艾蕾 and are back at work. While I had frustrating days with Zoë it was still better then work. I hear her getting hungry right now, so I better go.
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