zen.org Communal Weblog

November 11, 2004

Sex and the City vs. Ally McBeal

Filed under: — Sven @ 10:46 GMT

One Friday in September 余艾蕾 and I got a high-definition television signal. All was well for a week or two until the cable box broke. For a month or so after that a myriad of unique Comcast employees and contractors filtered through our house replacing this or that, one even thought our 1Ghz line splitter was incorrect and replaced it with a 1000Mhz splitter. Finally the same guy who got us up and running on that Friday in September showed up, click, click on the remote control, and all was working again. He was in disbelief that we didn’t have high-definition for almost a month, and wrote that we should be reimbursed for our missed month. Instead we got high-definition HBO.

In general HBO is horrible, but I was sick a couple of days last week and found The Tuxedo mildly amusing, ★★★☆☆. Usually I turned it on and some horrible move is on that I would rather have a root canal then watch. Then there was Sex and the City; I had never seen Sex and the City before and found that it too is horrible. I left season one of Sex and the City an my Netflix list anyway. Last night 余艾蕾 and I watched the first two episodes of season one, and it is really good! I expect to put season two on my Netflix list too. I just wonder when it is going to get the huge ego the episodes I watched on HBO had. It took Ally McBeal about a season and a half to get horrible, I hope Sex and the City lasts longer.

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November 8, 2004


Filed under: — Sven @ 21:55 GMT

I was surfing for local farms stuff, and encountered two interesting sites, first the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey. I was surprised by several local organic farms and restaurants. I hope to visit some of them in the spring.

Linked from that page, was The Meatrix, a play on The Matrix movie but about the source of meat in these United States. It is very cute. I’ve been making meat buying decisions based on what they are trying to say for years.

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November 2, 2004

Can One Vote Make A Difference?

Filed under: — Sven @ 23:52 GMT

Bucks County has a pretty good On-Line Election Results web site. If you visit the Municipality of Yardley Borough page for today’s general election, and go look at the number of votes for David Cobb, one. He he.

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My Visit to the Voting Booth

Filed under: — Sven @ 10:40 GMT

Zoë, 余艾蕾, and I waited in line just under an hour to vote today. Zoë was awake most of the time, but by the time we got to the booth she was sleeping. Both the Democratic and Republican poll observers came over and ogled at the baby. MoveOn PAC was the only organization with a table at the Yardly-Makefield fire station in Yardley Borough.

While there was four voting booths set up, everybody had to go through a bottle neck of one person to vote. Most of the time only one or two booths where in use. It seemed a bit silly. All went smoothly.

Now it’s your turn, go vote!

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November 1, 2004


Filed under: — Sven @ 16:13 GMT

If you are a registered voter in the United States, make sure you vote tomorrow. I know who I’m going to vote for. I don’t care who you vote for, just vote!

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October 31, 2004


Filed under: — Sven @ 20:20 GMT

Boy, I haven’t had a chance to write a blog entry all weekend. Zoë has been active. The couple time I got her to sleep I tried to sleep too, but I had to come on to wish a happy Samhain, er, Hallowe’en. Now I’m laying in bed, waiting for the morning. While being at work sucks, and being at home is fun and exciting, I get to relax a little at work.

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October 29, 2004

Marsalis Music

Filed under: — Sven @ 22:22 IST

I was listening to WRTI‘s Jazz program this evening and Bradford Marsalis called up and plugged his label, Marsalis Music. I had not heard of his label before, so I spend some time listening to the samples, WOW! I then checked the RIAA member list, not on it. So, if you where wondering what to get me for Yule, any album from there would be good. If I don’t get any I’m getting a few soon after Christmas.

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Instant Runoff Voting

Filed under: — Sven @ 18:10 IST

Who ever you want to vote for, please visit Instant Runoff Voting ballot the California green party has put up, and vote. I think instant runoff voting is a good idea, but I would miss the Bucks County voting machines.

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October 28, 2004

The Pagan Voting Project

Filed under: — Sven @ 10:31 IST

Pagan’s are cool. I spend a good amount of my reading time learning about religions, and Paganism seems to be the only religion that appears to be the result of a thousands of years of looking around. No listening to some hermit living under a tree, no almost sacrificing your son, no nailing anybody to anything, no sacrificing 10,000 humans in four days; just “the last time the sun was over there I should of planted my wheat.”

I was still worried when I noticed The Pagan Voting Project. I expected it to be another liberal vote for Kerry page, or at least an anti-Bush page, but it was just a please register and vote page. Thank you witches of the United States, for trying to be fair.

To, again, quote Witches’ Voice: “when you are in the voting booth on Nov. 2nd. YOU are in Sacred Space. NO ONE will ever know who you voted for. Brand/Party loyalty, family, peer, co-worker pressure and other influences are moot. It’s Your moment, Your truth and Your choice. Vote for whom you believe will be the most honorable and effective leader and who will best represent YOUR needs and interests.”

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Runs, Hits and Curses

Filed under: — Sven @ 08:54 IST

Perhaps Witches’ Voice needs a sports section. They said it the best Oh MY GODS! – It took a full lunar eclipse of a Blood-Red Moon… but The Sox have broken the 86 year old curse and taken the 2004 World Series. — Freekin’ Sweet!!!

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