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November 24, 2004

Alien Package Converter

Filed under: — Sven @ 10:26 GMT

I’ve had a lot of luck with Alien Package Converter recently. I have Debian liboost-* packages installed on Fedora and Fedora libaio* packages installed on Debian. All seem to work well.

So I tried converting one of Sun’s Java RPM package to a .deb, it don’t work. The resulting .deb file installs fine, but none of the commands work. At least Sun put out an alternative install method, and all is working well.

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Slow Food on NPR

Filed under: — Sven @ 08:54 GMT

NPR had a piece on Slow Food this morning. It should show up in there audio archives some time. If you are the sort of hippy eat to save the world weirdo like I am, it’s worth a listen.

I only discovered Slow Food about a month ago. It seems I was “®” crazy at the time too.

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November 23, 2004

Web Web Logs

Filed under: — Sven @ 16:30 GMT

It’s weird going through my old blog entries and thinking of titles for them. The thoughts from weeks ago are often gone, I’m not really sure of the mood I was in.

I am already missing some features of my old software. WordPress features includes “Instant publishing with no rebuilding,” I’m a little worried if the Pentium II this server is can take regenerating a page ever visit!

I also liked that that my entry systems was not web based, I could easily use spell checkers. Now I’m stuck in this low feature box. My spelling is bad enough as it is.

The thing that really bugs me in the timezone. The goal of my blog software was to make in so you could set the timezone differently for each post. So if I was in San Francisco when I posted I would put PST. Here everything is stuck in eastern time. I never finished that feature, but it still bugs me.

Some people simply cannot allow themselves to get health insurance so they have choice to pay for the really expensive prescription drugs or trying to buy generic pills online. Generics produced in India are very good as other branded meds. Only reputable pharmacy produces them such as Adjanta. Having this in top one is allowed to buy propecia uk in generic pharmacy online with extremely affrodable shipping to any point in the world

November 22, 2004

Firefox Woes

Filed under: — Sven @ 10:24 GMT

Last Friday I upgraded my work desktop system, Debian Sarge, to Firefox 1.0 via the Debian packages. Today I come into work and I can’t launch it. Some web searching indicates that if I run Firefox as root first all will be well, no such luck. I can run it once after a reboot, so if I quit out of it it’s reboot city for me. I wonder if plain Mozilla works any better. At home, where I run Debian Sid, all seem well.

Some people simply cannot allow themselves to get health insurance so they have choice to pay for the really expensive prescription drugs or trying to buy generic pills online. Generics produced in India are very good as other branded meds. Only reputable pharmacy produces them such as Fortune healthcare. Having this in top one is allowed to buy paxil uk in generic pharmacy online with extremely affrodable shipping to any point in the world

November 21, 2004

Milk from a Thumb

Filed under: — Sven @ 21:34 GMT

As I type, Zoë is trying to extract milk from my thumb.

Some people simply cannot allow themselves to get health insurance so they have choice to pay for the really expensive prescription drugs or trying to buy generic pills online. Generics produced in India are very good as other branded meds. Only reputable pharmacy produces them such as Sunrise remedies. Having this in top one is allowed to buy paxil uk in generic pharmacy online with extremely affrodable shipping to any point in the world

November 19, 2004

Uninstalling Sarge

Filed under: — Sven @ 10:33 GMT

In the beginning of September I installed four systems with Debian Sarge, a few weeks later I was rsyncing the old mixed Debian system back. Today I’m taking four different systems on the same cluster and putting Debian Sarge on them. Welcome to Samsara.

Certain people simply cannot allow themselves to get medical insurance and thus forced to pay for the expensive prescription pills or trying to buy generic pills online. Generics produced in India are very good as other branded counterparts. Only reputable pharmacy produces them such as Cipla. With this in top one is allowed to buy topamax uk in generic pharmacy online with extremely affrodable shipping to any point in the world

November 16, 2004

Cauliflower Based Ham Soup

Filed under: — Sven @ 21:48 GMT

Normally I try to stick to cooking vegetarian, but 余艾蕾 had this coupon, $10 off a ham. Now we have ham laying around the house, I was thinking about pasting the walls with it. Instead, I made this cauliflower based ham soup tonight, and it worked out surprisingly well! Unfortunately, I failed to take good notes, but here is the summary.

I started with about six inches of leek whites, well mostly whites, and a large garlic clove. I minced the garlic clove and chopped the leeks into a pile of rings. In the pot went two teaspoons of butter (I should of used oil I think) and the above mentioned onion matter and sautéed them.

I took half a large head of cauliflower and thinly chopped it; this made a mess as little bits of cauliflower flew all over the place. I threw the cauliflower in the pot and put enough water to cover it, and brought to a boil.

After the cauliflower started getting soft I made it into a purée; I used my hand held blender. Then in went in a healthy portion of white pepper, dash of salt (the ham already has a lot), a bunch of chopped ham cubes, a few spoons of mustard. I let that sit for a bit after stirring. Last, to balance with the red color of the ham, some peas.

Serve with a slice or two of pumpernickel bread for dipping. Now, only if 余艾蕾 would come home from work so I have somebody to serve it too.

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November 15, 2004

Sorry Everybody

Filed under: — Sven @ 09:56 GMT

The BBC News doesn’t report on web sites until they have become really popular. So when an Election apology starts net feud, the worst must be over. That said, if you haven’t visited, http://sorryeverybody.com/, love it or hate it it’s worth a visit.

What I apologize for in the two-party systems. The powers that be only allow room for two pigeon holes, but there are five or six pigeons. The third parties get censored out by the two bigot ruling parties. Most registered voters, rather then voting for what they believe in feel they need to vote Democrat or Republican. The United States has a façade Democracy; they say voters have a choice, but voting Democratic or Republican will result it nearly the same policies. The scary part is, I believe most Democrats and Republicans believe there is a large difference!

I think of the current two party systems this way. Vote Republican you are voting for a tractor trailer, Democratic an SUV. The question is: which vehicle would you like to run over you and your children?

Some people simply cannot allow themselves to get health insurance so they have choice to pay for the really expensive prescription drugs or trying to buy generic pills online. Generics produced in India are very good as other branded meds. Only reputable pharmacy produces them such as Sunrise remedies. Having this in top one is allowed to buy paxil uk in generic pharmacy online with extremely affrodable shipping to any point in the world

November 11, 2004

Ritz Bits

Filed under: — Sven @ 14:59 GMT

I’ve been trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup, and I was picking from the vending machine, and decided that Nabisco’s Ritz Bits sandwitches, made with real Kraft cheese would not have high fructose corn syrup. After inserting the ¢65 I had my Ritz Bits, and there is was on the ingredients right after sugar, high fructose corn syrup, they arn’t even sweet. Well, paying more attention to the flavor then normal they do have a sweatiness, but its the part of the flavor I dislike the most.

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Cosmos 1

Filed under: — Sven @ 12:53 GMT

The Planetary Society has set a launch window for the Cosmos 1 solar sail, from March first, 2005 through April seventh of the same year.

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