zen.org Communal Weblog

June 14, 2005

32bit or 64bit

Filed under: — Sven @ 08:00 IST

Does anybody know it the Intel Mac will be 32bit or 64bit?

While I haven’t spent a lot of time looking, I have spend a little time with no luck. Maybe I just don’t know how to look for Mac informaiton. According to the June 11 User Friendly strip: “AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH!! APPLE IS MOVING TO X86 ARCHITECTURE!!”, but I’m not sure if that is a valid information source.

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June 8, 2005

Cherry Grove Organic Farm

Filed under: — Sven @ 11:14 IST

Last February I gave a local farm, Cherry Grove Organic Farm of Lawrenceville New Jersey, a few hundrad bucks for weekly dips into there harvest. Yesterday was the first pickup day. The first thing I noticed when I pulled up was a car with a Dennis Kucinich for President bumper sticker, I was pretty sure I was at the type of place I was looking for.

I went through the list of vegetables I was to pick up: spinach, arugula, bok choy, kale, collard greens, and three or four others I forgot by the time I got home! Next time I will take notes. Weekly acces to the herb section, plus pick your own peas! It’s how one should get produce is season, direct from the local farm.

At home, after playing with the baby and rebooting Rerun (sorry about the down time) I cooked and froze the spinach. I’m sure the other leafy greens can be frozen too, but feezing spinach in a know issue with me. After getting my Mother to take a good portion of one of the forgotten salad greens, and Zoë to bed, I sat down with a big bowl of arugula salad. I’m not a big fan of arugla, but it was the best argula I’ve ever had.

I wonder what’s in store for next week.

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May 26, 2005

4½ Day Weekend

Filed under: — Sven @ 14:58 IST

Boy, it’s been a long time since I wrote an entry. I’ve been too busy, and to lazy to post. Works been dull, and home is always busy. I finally have a chance today, day care called me up and told be to pick up Zoë as she has a 101.5°F fever. As 余艾蕾 and I drove in on the same car this morning, and neither was terribly busy at work, we both left. Zoë is the happiest sick baby ever, but rules are rules and she is not allowed back to dagis until she has gone twenty-four hours without a fever. As 余艾蕾 has stuff to do at work tomorrow, I’ll stay home with Zoë, and then Monday is a holiday. So I have a four and a half day weekend with a baby that has a fever but don’t act sick.

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April 12, 2005


Filed under: — Sven @ 17:04 IST

Zoë has reached a major milestone. No longer can I put Zoë down and turn auround, and then assume she will be in a foot of where I put her when I turn back. If I really zone she could end up in the dining room.

I did, however, follow her around a little and she found some specs of dirt I would of never found without her. Thus helping with the house work.

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April 9, 2005

Spring Foliage

Filed under: — Sven @ 07:53 IST

The croci came and went this year in a day or two. While that is a little sad, daffodils that have only been leaving since 余艾蕾 and I moved in bloomed this year! One fairly large bunch too.

Last summer when Zoë started day care I would sometime bring her a flower to put in her crib. I tried taking her a daffodil this spring, but she ripped it apart before we got there. No flowers for Zoë, I guess.

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April 1, 2005

Dead Again

Filed under: — Sven @ 08:48 IST

Seems Rerun’s UPS went belly up last night. It’s plugged into the wall for now.

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March 29, 2005

Almost A Year

Filed under: — Sven @ 15:30 IST

Last night I was sleeping when the baby monitor started beeping, it does that when it receives no signal. I turned it off and was about to go check on Zoë, then I noiced the LED clock, no time. So far one thunder storm in 2005 and one power out, not a good record. Less then a minute later the power was back on. Back to sleep went I.

Brendan noticed it first this morning, Rerun (aka zen.org) was down. The circuit breaker on the UPS turned off, never happened before. I guess there was a power surge too. What hurts is than Rerun was less then a month from being up for a year! I was already planning my blog entry in my mind, but no, no paper anniversary this year. I can only hope for next March.

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March 26, 2005

Wood Ducks

Filed under: — Sven @ 10:47 GMT

About once a week Zoë and I where taking a stroll along the Delaware Canal, usually the only waterfowl we see is Canadian geese and mallard ducks; all kinds of them all over the place. A couple of weeks ago I thought we saw a wood duck couple, but I was not quite sure. So, a week ago when Zoë and I went out I took the opera spectacles Brendan gave me for being in his wedding party. No duck, no luck.

This morning Zoë and I went out, while I forgot the spectacles, they remembered to come along as they where still on the perambulator. Before I reached the canal I saw the couple hiding in the trees, after using the spectacles I was sure. I tried to show Zoë, she didn’t notice. The couple flew away. A few hundrad yards down the canal, a lone male wood duck was swimming. What luck! Perhaps next time I will take the camera too.

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March 12, 2005

Mashed Rutabaga and Succotash

Filed under: — Sven @ 19:19 GMT

余艾蕾 is at a bachelorette party tonight, so it’s Zoë and I. For dinner I’m making myself mashed rutabaga and succotash. Mashing root vegetables while holding a baby is difficult. Any suggestions? She refuses te be put down.

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March 6, 2005

Two Unrelated Movies

Filed under: — Sven @ 11:04 GMT

Two movie reviews today:

The first is Garden State, a feel good romantic comedy about about a twenty-something who returnes home for the first time in years to attend his mother’s funeral. He forgets his behavior altering drugs he has been taking since childhood and learns who he really is. On Netflix I rated this one ★★★★☆, but 余艾蕾 pumped it up to ★★★★★.

Natalie Portman stole the show as the quirkily deep female side of the romantic relation. Her and Zach Braff’s character end up taking a mental and physical trip around much of New Jersey. While 余艾蕾 questions the title of the movie, and wonders why it needs to be in New Jersey, having grown up along the keystone/garden state’s border I think I see where Mr. Braff is comming from. I think the title is also a pun on the state of mind Mr. Braff’s character was in when the drugs finally wore off.

余艾蕾 also loved the music, and already has the sound track.

The second movie is The Manchurian Candidate with Frank Sinatra and Angela Lansbury. The two most surprising things in this 1962 thriller is that Mr. Sinatra can act, and that Ms. Lansbury is a great villain. I didn’t think about a singing tea kettle the entire film!

The main problem with this movie is that it made me think some other films are worse, I now realize how unoriginal they are. At the Oscars, when a film I’ve seen gets nominated for best editing I rarely understand why, this film’s editing was brilliant. The specials on the DVD said that Mr. Sinatra was offered any character he wanted to be on this film, he made the correct choice as Laurence Harvey pulled off being “brain dry-cleaned” better then I think Mr. Sinatra could. Both 余艾蕾 and I gave this ★★★★★.

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