zen.org Communal Weblog

January 26, 2007

You Spider-Eating Mother!

Filed under: — brendan @ 12:41 GMT

P had a classmate over for the afternoon to play. During a bit of lunch, they had wide and varied conversation topics. At one point, the focus turned to an interesting debate.

“There was a spider in our bathroom, but now it’s gone,” P informed his friend.

“I don’t like spiders,” the friend responded.

“But your mom likes to eat spiders!” Patrick declared.

“No, I think it was your mom,” his friend replied.

“I’m serious. Your mom ate them, you told me.”

“Oh yeah,” his friend admitted. For only a moment. “No, actually, I think it was yours. But watch what this spoon can do!”

And they composed music with their bowls of chicken salad.

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