Random Thoughts of a Disorganised Mind
Why do people persist in saying “ATM machine” without realising they’re really saying, “Automated Teller Machine Machine”?
If dogs are so much smarter than cats, why don’t cats also chase cars?
How is it that people who’ve never been parents always know exactly how children should be reared?
If lawmakers who determine Minimum Wages had to live on the same amounts, would they set them any higher?
Why do people agree to appear on “reality” tv programmes?
In a starving world, Western preoccupation with diets, fitness and slimming borders on the obscene.
Anyone who says s/he “owns” a dog or cat is delusional; evidence clearly shows that it’s the other way round.
Given that most global news outlets are now controlled by conservative-minded multinational conglomerates, where’s their credibility?
If even half the governments who claim to be concerned about poverty and human rights actually meant what they say, Third World Debt would have been eradicated decades ago.
Where did Adam and Eve’s daughters-in-law come from?
Who was the first person to look at a lobster and say, “I think I’ll eat that”?
The world would be so much nicer if we humans were as forgiving of each other as our pets are of us.
What ever possessed Noah to put two mosquitoes onto the Ark?
Could anyone who ever voted for George W. Bush pass a standard intelligence test?