zen.org Communal Weblog

June 15, 2005

Mixed Emotions

Filed under: — Sven @ 10:00 IST

Yesterday was a day of many mixed emotions for me. On Monday I got the paper work for a job at Princeton University’s Genomics Department, so yesterday I resigned from NEC Laboratory America. To give a little hint of the relation with my two bosses here at NEC Labs, I went and told the CFO first. She said that she was sad for NEC to see me go, but happy for me personally as my new position sounds good for my résmué. Caned or sincere, my relationship with the CFO is more involved then that with my bosses, and I rarely see the CFO!

I told the CFO that about a year ago I started casually looking for a new job. Unfortunately, almost every position that wanted somebody with more ten years of experience also wanted more management experience that I had. Enjoying my time at NEC or not, I concluded that I needed a new job that would give me management experience. I finally found a place that was willing to make me a manager, plus it fulfills much of my Free Software desires.

(The rest of this blog entry is what gives blogs bad name. It’s basically me rambling on about nothing. Feel free to stop now.)

I had to then wander the halls seeking my bosses to tell them. They both seemed nonchalant, I guess all the more reason to leave. Somewhat ambivalently I went around to tell a few people whom I didn’t what to hear about my resignation on the grapevine. Then I sat down to work.

Almost every Tuesday I come into work early, so I can leave early, and yesterday was no different. Sometime between three and four I left to go get more vegetables from Cherry Grove Organic Farm, I was going to get Zoë first but there was a heat advisory at the time I thought it better not to. Luckily this time we got more then just leafy greens. The problem happened, when backing out I nicked a dark red car I didn’t see that was a little down hill and in the shade. I was going less then 1 mph when I did so, so I didn’t even notice scratch on the car different from the scratches that was already on the car. I found the lady who owned the car, she seemed not to be terribly alarmed, and didn’t even go to look. So with ever more emotions filling my head I left to pick up Zoë.

After a quick call to the liqueur store Zoë and I where home. I cooked and froze some kale and she and I finally relaxed to reflect on the day. I had a large, freshly picked organic salad and a vegetarian corn dog for dinner. Not a hard day, just an emotional one.

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